Billboards are big and bold while texture can be more subtle and is often left out of a concept, or at best it is an afterthought. A flat, single-color background with no texture often does look well, flat. A relevant texture adds a unique dimension to a design that can elevate it from amateurish to professional.
However, adding a relevant texture is the key. Never add any element for its own sake. There must be thought behind a texture choice for it to have a real impact. For example, the texture in this 3D display mimics a home’s wallpaper that the sledgehammer is tearing through. Or this cracked concrete texture on the text for this drilling company.

The texture can be in the background or on the text itself for an extra pop. Or both in the case of this fireworks display!
If ever you feel there is just something missing from your design, if ever it feels too bland or flat, try adding a texture!
If you are interested in advertising on one of our billboards call us at 800-221-4114 or email us at!